Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Perhaps this is the end of Superlegal Fun?

When I started this blog it was intended to allow me a place to vent and try to bring some humor to my work life. It seems that purpose may have come to an end.

I had a bad day today. I posted a blog about it ( http://superlegalfun.blogspot.com/2011/08/etiquette-neeeded.html#comments).

The anonymous commenter gave me some serious food for thought. Although the commenter knows nothing about me, the people I work with, or the situations I deal with, s/he felt so compelled to verbalize abusive judgment.  Reading my blog is voluntary, as is liking it. I don't understand, frankly, why someone would feel the need to write such terrible things when I have had such a terrible day. "Don't kick a dog when they're down" comes to mind. On top of that, the person didn't have the guts to identify themselves.

So, I guess if people who read my blog feel it is important to make my bad day worse, perhaps my blog isn't worth keeping. I certainly don't need anymore abuse than I already deal with at the office.

I have come to the conclusion that posting to my blog is just as voluntary as reading. I may feel differently tomorrow, or next week, or next year, or never.

For now, so long, and thank you all for reading.


  1. Blogging always manages to bring out the haters. Those people that are super-miserable and only find joy in trying to make others feel even worse than they do. You know... morons.

    Recently, I started moderating my comments to weed out the a**holes. (My blog, my rules, don't like it start your own.)

    Let it go, ignore them and life will go on. Leave them alone to wallow in their own self-loathing.

  2. Hey, please don't stop blogging because of some anonymous idiot!!

    I love your blog!! I'm a paralegal from the UK, which is a bit different, but I can totally relate to you! Sadly, my colleagues found my blog, meaning that I have to watch what I say now, so... I won't survive if you blog is also taken away!

  3. Superlegal Fun DO NOT STOP BLOGGING!!!! I love reading your posts everyday while I am on my lunch break. I am a paralegal and I understand the daily stresses that come with the job. One of the ways I deal with this is reading other paralegal blogs which show me that I am not alone in this.

    Remember that it is YOUR blog and as you stated can be VOLUNTARILY read by others. Anonymous is just some hater who has nothing better to do then be a bully towards others. Ignore him/her and keep doing what you do, as you help me and others to deal with the daily stresses of being a paralegal!

  4. Damn! Just when I found you. Please don't stop writing. I'm glad to know that I am not alone in feeling frustrated, etc. ~ Victoria, a family law paralegal

  5. What everybody else said plus this: Don't Go! (Sandi, a legal assistant in L.A.)

  6. I enjoy reading your posts very much. One way to prevent anonymous, abusive comments is to change your settings so that only registered users can comment, or you can set it so that you have to approve comments before they go up on your site. Don't let it get you down! :)

  7. I hope you decide to come back to this blog - I have really enjoyed reading it. People will always have something to say - trolls have nothing better to do all day (apparently) than cruise the internet and say nasty things. Try not to take it to heart. Like you said - Anonymous knows nothing about you, your job, or your situation. S/he is therefore not worth a second thought. :-)

  8. guest@gmail.comSeptember 01, 2011

    True, whomever that other anonymous commenter was, they know nothing about you other than that every post is about how superior you are to everyone - to the secretary, the associate, the intern, and the partner. You do have some funny posts now and again, but I too have been struck by a) how vicious, mean spirited and smugly superior your posts are in your view of your work environment (which certainly makes it look like you are rapidly on your way to burn out if not already there), and b) how you only like, want and appreciate comments that fawn over you and even slightest bit of criticism brings out a raging reaction. Threatening to quit your blog over a single criticism, that may have been meant constructively, seems to be out of proportion. Maybe you should look in the mirror a little bit.

  9. I agree with everyone else. You have a great blog and I hope you don't stop because of some troll. Set it up where people have to register and the trolling will go down.

    - J

  10. Very nice blog. I am from Robert Half Legal and interested to see more blogs posted by you...highly appreciated:-)

  11. DOn't go! I love you! FU Haters! Get your own damn blog! They're free, you know. HUMPH!

  12. and anyway...this was a place for her to vent not for you to give unsolicited advice. go write your own advice column, then, freak. @guest.

  13. Thank you to everyone for your lovely comments. I've decided to continue the blog. Thanks for reading!
